Author Archives: Jan Schlosser

Candy Match 3

Reskin of Candy Match 3 game for Radio Teddy. The base for this project was the „Candy Match 3 Kit“ from gamevanilla. I added a livestream radio channel to the app, as the customer wanted the players to listen to their channel while playing. In addition, i added a custom ads, that can be viewed to gain extra credits. As Radio Teddy wanted full control over what kind of ads get displayed to children while playing, i integrated a Vimeo video player solution where the customer can upload their videos. If the player is offline and can´t access the Vimeo video, a small ad graphic is displayed instead. The icons and level selection background have been done by an agency. I illustrated the dog character and reskined/rebranded the game.

Screenshots of Game


Audio Selfie Box App

Audio Selfie Box for Radio Teddy. The App uses an integrated formula to record the users speech and picture. Afterwards the data gets stored online. It also plays a video tutorial on how to use the Audio Selfie Box.

Frank Runner Game

Adaptation of Runner Game for „Frank und seine Freunden“. The game is used in Franks gaming arenas for kids. It is played on a display stand with mats as controls.

Flappy Teddy

Buzzer button Flappy Bird/Teddy like game. Used the Unity Asset Store asset „Flappy Happy – Arcade Cabinet Game“ as base for the project. Programmed the missing 2 player option to the game.

Soccer Runner Game

Rebranding of the regular Radio Teddy Endless Runner to a BB Radio soccer game. Like always, the game is played on a display stand with mats as controls. The 3D characters were outsourced over Fiverr.

Screenshots of Game

Video of Game