Rocket Fight is a fast paced online multiplayer game with focus on player versus player battles. Control a bazooka armed character and make your opponent´s life a living hell by knocking them off the map with precise shots. Use the battle arena environment, power ups and your skills to achieve glorious victory.
Platform: Pc
Genre: Shooter
Engine: Unity3D
Players: 2-4
Year: 2013
My Tasks
In our second semester project my tasks involved designing the game and product management. I was responsible for developing and evaluating the core of the game, level design, design documentation and basic interface design. Also, I composed and updated our Scrum Product Backlog.
Screenshots of Rocket Fight
Video of Game
Level Design
This is a level design that I came up with, after we had a little trouble finding a common vision for the level. A lot of it didn´t make it into the game, but it gave us a good foundation to discuss and evaluate.
Post Mortem Rocket Fight Game
While our first semester project started in complete chaos this time it was the opposite, this time we wanted it to do it right. Early on, we developed a clear vision for our Rocket Fight Game. We made technical prototypes, did sketches to find our art style and set up design and product management documents. All this happened under the careful control of agile project management.
In the beginning of production we had a little struggle merging the work of the different departments into one playable project. But after more open communication between the departments, we overcame this first roadblock. Our quick progress gave us the opportunity to evaluate certain parts of the game several times. We even had the time to add new features that were necessary to ensure a fun game while cutting others that weren´t. Our second game is far from perfect, but we managed to produce a game experience that actually is entertaining for a short period of time.