Augmented Reality Soccer Game made with Unity3D and the plugin Vuforia. At starting point I had a distorted photo of a real soccer wall that FuPa uses to promote their website at events. I restored the texture from the photo and applied it to a 3D Model soccer wall. The goal looks bad, but was made pretty fast out of some scaled cubes and Unity cloth with a transparent png net texture applied. This served my purpose well, as the cloth moves if a ball hits the net. Kicking the ball was made with a slightly modified trajectory script from Unity Asset Store. The goalkeeper is a 2D sprite. This was a low budget prototype and there was no money/time for hiring an artist or modelling a goalie.
The Unity3D plugin Vuforia uses markers to track the real world. So there needs to be an image Vuforia can detect, and project the Augmented Reality content on. I experienced one particular problem while working with Vuforia. So further away the AR content gets from the marker, the more it gets impacted by movement from the user, making the experience a bit shaky.